Moving from Michigan

After almost exactly one month of the moving process I have a Sunday with enough time to do this posting thing. All but a few boxes are unpacked. The garage is stuffed full of stuff with nowhere to put and the room  I’m in is half full of boxes of books, electronics and office supplies. The dinning room and Mary’s office floors will be done tomorrow so we can move furniture into them and get it out of the hallways. That means that as much as we can do is done. We have not sold the house in Michigan yet and that is causing us to drink nothing but water and eat nothing but bread.
Congressman Fred “just call me Fred” Upton did not come by and ask us to stay in his district so we left. Now we have a new guy, Congressman Fred was dippy enough but now we have a new dippier guy. A few redistrictings ago it was the Al Gore congressional district, now lit is this guy.

If it looks like someone you have seen before it could be because Congressman Scott “don’t know if you are to call him Scott” DesJarlais was in the news a lot last election cycle. He is one of these Tea Bag guys that got elected in 2010 and is one of the ones wanting to shut everything down and impeach Obama or something. But he was in the news because he is one of these hard core anti abortion guys but only for other people as he had his wife have 2 and his mistress 1. After all that came out he still got reelected in 2014. We moved from a dumb Congressional district to the dumber Congressional district.
But it was a nice day today and so I took some pictures and they are right here.

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