Time to catch this thing up

It seems that 2 things have happened. I have not updated this since Poland back in February because 1. pretty much nothing has happened except Ashley graduating and 2. just couldn’t get inspired. Us artists are temperamental like that. Since getting back from China in April I’ve been to O’Hare and back 6 times, Been to Muncie, New York and Washington once. Greenville twice and the grocery 10 or 15 times. Mary followed me home after a week and then went back to Poland the same day Ashley’s parents went back to China and came back at the end of the week. Spent about a week and a half here and went back to China just after Memorial day. I’m leaving next Sunday and will be there until about the middle of July. We have replaced our well pump, water heater and pressure tank since I got back and identified that the furnace and A/C should be replaced before winter. None of this lent itself to a Yusmith post. But now I will catch up the Graduation/New York/Washington deal and a couple other items before I leave. Who knows mabe China will be chock full of news items this time although the schedule doesn’t lead me to believe that will be the case. So to hold you over here are some pictures of the bloomin’ peonies that happen every year at this time. And to borrow from Dave Barry, Bloomin’ Peonies would be a great name for a rock band.

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