Possible indirect proof that dinosaurs and humans lived together at the same time.

This theory has been around for awhile, at least 6000 years. In spite of a fair amount of scientific evidence proving otherwise this belief continues for a significant number of people. My take on this is that the dinosaurs got time shifted by a small fraction of a second and continue to live on earth to this day in their parallel version of earth. I had an event happen that may just provide proof of that.
Every winter the plow guy breaks the sprinkler head at the end of the driveway next to the mailbox. Last fall , after the system was blown out for winter, I replaced the good sprinkler head with a broken sprinkler head. Once there was a relatively warm day this spring I made the switch back. This takes about 5 minutes when the system is dry and you are not dealing with the hole filling with water and mud. So on a Sunday morning I did this and as I was taking stuff back to the garage I looked at the front of the house and this is what I saw.

A large amount of poop was strung all the way down the front of the house. Of course this happens with birds every now and again but the volume of this would seem to indicate something larger. I am convinced that a tear in space time occurred and and a pterosaurs, probably the Quetzalcoatlus northropi with it’s 36 ft wingspan slipped through just long enough to bombard the house.With a closer investigation you can tell that it has to be something near this size because of the volume.

One other possibility is that our understanding of Greek Mythology is wrong and the white, winged horse offspring of Poseidon and Medusa, Pegasus, was not in fact turned by Zeus into the constellation Pegasus but in fact still occasionally flies around today. The only problem with that is that by all accounts there was no God Zeus or the rest of those guys and Pegasus was just a made up story to keep people happy and entertained. We know this to be so because of The Bible, The Quarn, The Tanakh, and a few dozen others that without fail claim that they are correct.The volume looks correct to me.
If, and this is a very large if, it is determined that this was from a passing goose then let me go on record now that I am in support of the Foie gras bans on force fed birds. Let them get their goose livers from the wild.

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