Pondering things while sitting on the doctor room table.

Having spent a fair amount of time lately waiting for the doctor to arrive in his little examining room I’ve had time to learn about the spine, the knee, the heart, and various other body parts from the drug company provided charts that are hanging on the walls and doors. Now that I know all of that information there is nothing left but to ponder just what the hell is going on with these 2 people.

Why are they so happy? Why did they take their big ass laptop into the middle of some field to look at their online medical thing? Are they happy to manage their appointment or to pay their bill? Or maybe they are reviewing their lab results and are happy they don’t have the Ebola or something. I’ve been on this web thing and there is absolutely nothing that would ever make someone that happy. And again, WHY ARE THEY IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIELD. Oh I know, high healthcare costs have made them homeless.

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