Just another God dam

The year of 2020 and the decade of the 20’s started off with a lovely sunrise over the Estate d’ Yusmith.

Because it was going to be a nice day it meant that an item leftover from the last decade needed to be taken care of. A couple of days ago we got what was apparently he heaviest rain in 9 or 10 months as the creek was running full. As a result there was another God dam.

So early afternoon I got the chuckmobile, the chainsaw, a hoe and went to undo God’s dam.

Because this had not happened in almost a year and we had a lot of wind breaking tree branches the creek water had plenty of material to build the dam.

The main culprits were a 6″ diameter log that perfectly wedged itself in the middle hole and an 8 foot long 1×4 that covered the left hole and part of the middle.

After some hard work, getting my feet wet and my pants muddy most of the obstructions were removed. What remains is just muck and leaves that will gradually wash away, unless we get another creek riser this weekend, which is possible.

If that happens there is only one thing you can say.

God Damn