Let’s take a break from wildlife adventures and discuss opera.

Out of all the main forms of music there are opera for me has to rank in the bottom 10%. I don’t like the sound of it and on the rare occasion that I have seen it on TV I don’t like the acting that goes with it. That’s my personal taste. Now Mary can enjoy the yellin’ fat lady and on occasion wishes to see the opera thing in Bejing.For me any thing Dick Cheney could think up couldn’t be as psychologically damaging as going to an opera performance. I just don’t have the level of culture necessary, I guess.
So with that in mind I need help understanding the clip I stumbled across that is part of an opera. I have no idea where this is being performed (because they are singing in opera language) but it is part of an opera from the early 1700’s written by some French dude.(I had to look that up, I didn’t just know it). It was written after some Indian chiefs from Illinois went to France and met the king and is this French guys concept if Indians or something. You can read about it here.
Now this is where my problem comes in. I understand all of the above and can appreciate the fact that people enjoy that kind of stuff. The link below in a professional presentation that I assume people got dressed up and paid money for but I just don’t get it. This is more like if Salvador Dali was somehow able to get inside my head when watching opera and took those brain images and then choreographed this thing. All I can say is people doing the chicken dance in front of the ass end of a giant gold turkey singing opera with corn cob pipes. How much more surrealistic can you get.

Sometimes it pays to have a camera capable of high speed stop action.

While cooking lunch today I noticed an odd thing taking place in the back yard and I knew that only because I have a camera capable of taking high speed pictures was I going to be able to capture the action. I immediately recognized that what I was looking at was the winner of many a high speed race and that just to capture it in action was a rare event. I took my camera out (at great risk of having my piece of meat burn on the grill) and got in position to capture the high speed motion activity. I guess I should again refer you to the post a few down to review the Marlin Perkins video to get a sense of the activity this entailed. So anyway, at just the right moment I was able to stop the motion with my high speed settings and bring to you those things that are normally moving so fast that you eye does not see the entirety and subtle details of bodies in motion. So here you go-

Yep yep gota hurry yep yep

Because my camera can shoot bazillions of frames per second I was able to get a shot of its moss covered ass as it continued on its way.

yep yep gota go yep yep



Off for year 2 at the big Ball U.

Sicong has returned and is now back at the big Ball U in her off campus apartment filled with leftover junk furniture and other random items, just like any American student. Here she is in the required before leaving photo.

Leaving for the big Ball U.

Interestingly enough this photo is a great “Where’s Waldo’ type puzzle. Can you find what is missing from this photo?
A) All the necessary supplies for a kick ass toga party
B) Play book for the national champion Ball State football Cardinals
C) Small black purse containing debit card, credit card and student ID
D) All of the above.